Why we need static analysis
- reliability
- security
- compiler optimization(编译优化)
- program understanding
Static Analysis
Static analysis analyzes a program P to reason about its behaviors and determines whether it satisfies some properties before runnning P.
Useful static analysis
mostly compromising completensee:Sound(overapproximate) but not fully-precise static analysis.
Soundness(全面) is critical to a collection of important(static-analysis) applications such as compiler optimization and program verification.
Soundness is also preferable to other(static-analysis) applications for which soundness is not demanded,e.g.,bug detection,as better soundness implies more bugs could be found.
Static analysis:ensure(or get close to)soundness,while making good trade-offs between analysis precision and analysis speed.在确保全面的情况下,在精度和速度之间平衡
Conclude static analysis
abstraction 抽象
- 将程序从原始的、高维的源代码空间,映射到一个抽象的、低维的符号空间。符号化后,后续的优化、分析、处理都会更加方便。
over-approximation 过近似 -> be sound
transfer funtions 转换函数
- in static analysis,transfer functions define how to evaluate different program statements on abstract values.
- transfer functions are defined according to “analysis problem” and the “semantics” of different statements.
control flows 控制流
As it’s impossible to enumerate all paths in practice,flow merging (as a way of over-approximation) is taken for granted in most static analyses. 分支流合并,提升soundness,降低completeness,导致误报
Self test
what the differences between static analysis and dynamic testing?
understand soundness ,completeness,false negatives,false positives
soundness 完全性 completeness 正确性
false negatives(保证正确性,损失完整性,造成漏报)
false positives(保证完整性,损失正确性,造成误报)
why soundness is usually required by static analysis
how to understand abstraction and over-approximation
abstraction 抽象
over-approximation 转化函数+控制流